
The agent is responsible for:

  • Communicating with the running control plane.
  • Launching and running the snarkos-aot binary.
  • Communicating to the running snarkos-aot.

Running the Agent

The agent can be run on the same machine as the control plane or a separate one.

Depending on the environment you specified, you will need the number agents listed in it, unless they are external.

Startup Options

The binary has several options you can run mess with at launch and some are required that we will go over here.

However, for a more in depth information you can read about the CLI options here.


Is an optional argument that can be provided via the CLI or the SNOPS_ENDPOINT environment variable.

NOTE: If both the CLI flag and the ENV variable are present, the ENV variable takes precedence over the CLI flag.

If not provided it will default to

This is the endpoint of the Control Plane.

If you want it to be a secure connection please specify https:// or wss:// at the beginning of the endpoint or it will default to http and ws.


The field where you can give this agent a specific ID, so it is identifiable within the snops ecosystem.


Optional comma separated list of labels you can apply to the agent, which are used for filtering and grouping.


An optional private key file. If provided is used when starting snarkOS.


Optional path to the directory containing the stored data and configuration for the agent.

By default it is snops-data local to where the agent was run from.






The optional address for the agent to bind to when running.

Defaults to


Optional port for the snarkOS node server to run on.

Defaults to 4130.


Optional port for the snarkOS BFT to run on.

Defaults to 5000.


Optional port for the snarkOS REST API to run on.

Defaults to 3030.


Optional port for the snarkOS metrics to run on.

Defaults to 9000.


Enables validator mode as an option for the agent's snarkOS node.


Enables prover mode as an option for the agent's snarkOS node.


Enables client mode as an option for the agent's snarkOS node.


Enables compute mode as an option for the agent to be able to run transactions fired from within snops.


Run the agent in quiet mode which prevents snarkOS node output.

How it Works

The agent once running will connect to the control plane. If the control plane goes/offline or isn't online yet that's okay! The agent will continuously try to reconnect to the control plane endpoint provided.

For running snarkOS the agent will download that binary from the control plane.


You don't have to worry about updating the individual agents.

The control plane will serve the updated agent binary to them once there is an update.